Emmanuel Kofi Asare ist in Accra, Ghana geboren. Er lebt und wohnt seit 36 Jahren in Deutschland. Als studierter Diplom-Physiker ist er bei Rolls Royce Power Systems als Manager in Analytics und Business Development tätig. Seit kurzem auch Buchautor seines Buches "The Rise of Ghana Table Tennis" Die Geschichte wie Tischtennis in Ghana durch Dayaram Gangaram Hathiramani beliebt wurde.

The Rise of Ghana Table Tennis
Emmanuel Kofi Asare
Dayaram Gangaram Hathiramani, popularly known as D.G. Hathiramani was an Indian merchant, philanthropist, table tennis player and coach who played an instrumental role in establishing table tennis in Ghana.
He was one of the founders of the Gold Coast Table Tennis Association in 1951. He played the game himself and captained the Gold Coast team to win the Azikiwe Cup in Nigeria. In 1954, he established a table tennis school in Accra and nurtured and groomed a lot of young talents who went on to compete for Ghana at various local and international tournaments and won various laurels.
Emmanuel Kofi Asare was one of the young talents who was nurtured and groomed by Hathiramani. Joining the camp at a tender age of six, Kofi spent thirteen years in Hathiramani’s camp and gives a glimpse into the life of D.G. Hathiramani, his contributions to the development of the sport, the journey to becoming one of Ghana’s celebrated sportsman under Hathiramani’s watch and life beyond table tennis.
ISBN: 979-8429839387 | Sprache: Englisch | Umfang: 170 Seiten | Verlag: Independently published (Selbstverlag) | Erscheinungsdatum: 10.03.2022
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„Great book. Clear and easy to read. Interesting chronological report.“ – sylvia asare (Amazon Rezension aus Deutschland vom 17. März 2022)